Welcome to the Tomato Newsletter Page!

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The weekly Newsletter runs from February to October each season.

It’s open to join from January and will begin Saturday February 1st 2014 and totally free!

You’ll receive a link to a copy each weekend, with lots of tomato growing tips and information for a successful crop this summer.

The information given is mainly aimed at growing tomatoes in the UK and areas with a similar climate.

Perhaps the main difference when growing tomatoes in the UK compared to the USA for example, is that tomatoes in the UK are mainly grown in containers and grow bags.

In the USA and Southern Europe, tomatoes are regularly planted directly into the back yard soil. Also many areas have a longer growing season than we do in the UK, so our plants have to be grown in pampered conditions for the fruit to reach maturity before the autumn weather stops growth.

Although there are tips for planting directly into garden soil, on the allotment for example, this website is mainly aimed at growing tomatoes in containers including grow bags in a short season area, that’s the whole of the UK!